Strong stories are ahead in 2020, full of humanity, heart and vision as we launch a new series — stories of youth activists and visionaries from around the world. We thank you for helping us turn our microphone in their direction.
The Keepers also continues into 2020.
Here, you will find the latest edition of The Keeper Quarterly, a compendium of our daily, year-long social media project {#KeeperoftheDay} that celebrates and honors the work of activist archivists, rogue librarians, guardians of history and the free flow of information and ideas. We look forward to bringing you more powerful, sound-rich stories of people who take it upon themselves to protect and preserve our cultural and natural heritage in the coming year.
Our deep thanks for your contribution and for being part of The Kitchen Sisterhood — for sharing your resources and talents and visions with us. For helping us bring voices from the edges and margins and seldom heard perspectives to the air. True stories light the path. They give us fuel and help us find our way out of these dark unsettling times.
Our best,
Davia & Nikki
The Kitchen Sisters