#KeeperoftheDay No. 20: The Good Cemeterian
Writer and oral historian Janice A. Farringer sent us an email to tell us about the incredible work of Andrew Lumish, aka The Good Cemeterian. “This man is definitely a Keeper,” she wrote. “He restores old forgotten veterans tombstones and tells their stories.”
From Andrew’s website:
“.. When Andrew stumbled upon a historic cemetery in Tampa, Florida he was initially intrigued by the unique beauty of the old monuments, but soon he realized the final resting place of our veterans were long ‘forgotten’ and he needed to do something… He began to research proper restoration techniques & Product used at national cemeteries. After restoring a few monuments, he realized this was a calling and made it his life goal to continue on this mission, research their names, and tell their story…”
Follow Andrew on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to see his beautiful restorations and read incredible stories of “fallen heroes, regular folk & historical figures…”