We all have our methods for transcending Monday morning grumpiness. For some, a certain brown liquid will suffice. For others, some quality time with the New York Times crossword puzzle on the ivory throne is imperative. For my roommate Walker, the morning isn’t complete unless he has subjected himself to half an hour of agonizing stretching exercises, lying prostrate on the living room floor and groaning like a wounded wildebeest, as I eat my breakfast. But here at Kitchen Sisters HQ, we would like to offer an alternative to coffee or downward dog: an exhilarating musical ensemble whose powerful lyrics, bold voices and gorgeous melodies will shoot straight to your brain faster than coffee ever could.
Antique Naked Soul is a completely a cappella four piece led by Candice ‘Antique’ Wicks and the virtuosic beat boxer Tommy Shephard, Jr. Together, they craft ‘manifesto music,’ songs that bravely explore notions of racial and socio-economic inequality with a blend of soul, hip-hop, RnB and gospel music. Listening to their self-titled debut LP is like taking a walk through musical history: the group incorporates the spiritual “Wading in the Water,” references the Fugees and covers James Brown, all in a way that is uniquely their own.
Antique Naked Soul performs Friday at Studio Oakland as part of their three month residency, during which they have been working on ‘The Naked Soul: A Soundscape of Black Shame.’ In the project, “Antique Naked Soul leads the audience on an all-vocal mission to reclaim and heal the physical symptoms of suffering resulting from a history of enslavement and institutional oppression.”
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2703345280 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
Watch Antique Naked Soul perform their song “Lay Low” at the Fruitvale BART Station below.