Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston - Revisiting Manzanar

In 1981 The Kitchen Sisters interviewed Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston for a story about life on the homefront during World War II. Jeanne told stories of her childhood growing up in Manzanar, a hastily built detention camp surrounded by barbed wire and armed guard towers in the Mojave desert. In listening to this interview recorded 44 years ago we are struck by how Jeanne’s memories of those years — the sense of fear, of families being separated, of innocent people being terrorized, hunted — resonate with what is happening in our country today. 

The Tom Luddy Connection

The Man, The Movies, The Rolodex

House/Full of Black Women

For almost a dozen years, 34 Black women gathered monthly around a big dining room table in an orange house on Orange Street in Oakland, CA — meeting, cooking, dancing, strategizing — grappling with the issues of eviction, erasure, gentrification, inadequate health care, and the sex trafficking of Black women and girls overwhelming their community.

The Kitchen Sisters Soundtrack.

Music from our stories, music of people who passed in the year just ended, music we want you to know about.

Support the Stories

Deep thanks to all of you who support the work of The Kitchen Sisters. Without your collaboration and contributions, our stories, internship, and mentoring program would not be possible.

Cecilia Chiang Spills the Tea

On the occasion of her 80th birthday in 2000 The Kitchen Sisters, along with food writer Peggy Knickerbocker, visited the home of Cecilia Chiang, the legendary Chinese-American restaurateur, chef and founder of The Mandarin Restaurant in San Francisco for a bit of an oral history. Cecilia Chiang introduced regional Chinese cooking to America in the 1960s, revolutionizing what most Americans thought Chinese cooking was. Elegant and savvy, her restaurant drew in celebrities like Mae West and Pavarotti, rock stars like John Lennon, Grace Slick and the Jefferson Airplane, and other food enthusiasts. She inspired James Beard, Marion Cunningham, Alice Waters, Julia Child, and generations of chefs and restaurateurs.

The Kitchen Sisters Present… Stories from the b-side of history. Lost recordings, hidden worlds, people possessed by a sound, a vision, a mission. Each podcast episode tell deeply layered stories, lush with interviews, field recordings and music. Including stories from our NPR series Hidden Kitchens, The Hidden World of Girls, The Sonic Memorial Project, Lost & Found Sound, and The Keepers.

The Kitchen Sisters Present is proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of the best story-driven podcasts on the planet.

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